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Making Sustainability Visible

Making Sustainability Visible

Challenge Description

Despite growing environmental concerns, many individuals struggle to understand how their daily choices impact our planet. While we have various devices to track health metrics, there isn’t a widespread tool to visualise our environmental sustainability.

Interested? Swing by our desk for a chat and some data sources you can utilise!

Problem Statement

  1. There is a lack of personal connection to sustainability data—terms like kWh and CO2 emissions aren’t easily relatable.
  2. People are unaware of how small daily decisions, like turning off lights or choosing local produce, contribute to environmental sustainability.

The challenge

Develop an app, web-based tool, Figma demo or other similar solution to tackle this problem. The solution should display an individual’s environmental impact and measure the environmental outcomes of their actions through intuitive and engaging data visualisations.

Your solution could answer some of these questions:

  • Am I making an impact if I switch lights off when not needed?
  • What kind of impact does my eating habits have on the environment?
  • What’s the difference between taking the bus and driving today?
  • How are my recycling habits compared to the average person?

Judging Criteria

  • Clarity of Data Visualization: The UI should be so intuitive that even a 10-year-old can understand their impact on the environment.
  • Feasibility: The solution should be realistically implementable with current technology.
  • Quality of Tech Demo: Demonstrate the functionality and effectiveness of your solution through a clear, concise tech demo.

Remember, “If you can’t measure it, it didn’t happen.” Help individuals measure their sustainability in a meaningful way!


  • 1st place 200€ (Verkkokauppa.com gift cards)
  • 2nd place 100€ (Verkkokauppa.com gift cards)

Who are we?

Mankeli Solutions is a young full service software company focused on mobile and web development, consulting and being absolute nerds. That means we align the best technical solutions with your business goals. And we have Excels to prove it. We are a group of friends with a shared love for problem solving and anything related to IT. After years of making projects together. We started to wonder: “What if we made something bigger together? Something of our own?”. And so Mankeli Solutions came to be.